Ts. Zulkifflee Mohamad

Ts. Zulkifflee Mohamad has more than 34 years working experiences in the field of manufacturing in the Automotive & Electronics industries and transportation. He has been with MIGHT for 15 years and involved in Strategic Industry and Technology development in the Automotive, Rail, Maritime Industry in Shipbuilding & Ship Repair (SBSR) industries and currently on the sustainable and smart cities initiatives especially in the area of mobility. His role was mainly involved in advising the Government on the Strategic industry development planning and provide the government with the strategic document or Blueprint as a reference document for policy and future planning in these areas. He spearheaded to work to collaborate with Melaka State on the development of Smart Melaka Blueprint 2035. He is involved in the sustainable cities program with UNIDO name GEF 6. Global Environmental Facilities (GEF) is a body based in US that received funds from developed countries for sustainable cities program. The project is under Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) where it involves 28 cities from 11 countries globally. He is leading in developing the Malaysia Smart City industry and to provide data analysis and strategic plan on industry & technology landscape and work closely in advising KPKT in the technology and industry for Smart City development at National level.