8.30 am - 9.30 am

Delegates Registration

9.30 am - 9.40 am

Welcome Address by Selva Nagappan, Managing Director of Smart Cities Asia 2024

Selva Nagappan

Managing Director, Smart Cities Asia and Knowledge Group of Companies

9.40 am - 10.00 am

Keynote Address: Accelerating Digital Transformation for People-Centered Smart Cities

Spotlight on governments leveraging not only policies and incentives to encourage private sector investment in resilient smart cities, but also the ways upon which exponential technologies such as AI, 5G and IoT being integrated into urban planning and infrastructure.

10.00 am - 11.00 am

Panel Discussion: Implementing New Urban Agenda through Public-Private Partnership

Actions and urban policies may vary depending on the unique challenges and opportunities each city faces but the overall focus is on tackling various challenges to create a better living environment for their citizens. What are the collaboration and participation tools local governments can use to make cities smarter, sustainable, and inclusive?

11.00 am - 11.30 am

Morning Refreshment and Tour to Exhibition Space

11.30 am - 12.00 pm

Smart Nation Singapore: Ensuring Whole-of-Government Cybersecurity Readiness

99% of Singapore government’s services are digital from end to end. The Smart Nation and Digital Government Group (SNDGG) takes a concerted effort to build cybersecurity capabilities across the Government to help prevent cybersecurity incidents. How is this done and what are the challenges?

12.00 pm - 1.00 pm

Mayor’s Forum: Implementing Smart City Pilot Projects and Developments – Mayor’s Perspective

What are the priorities for today’s cities’ strategic plans?

How are cities adapting their policies to reach these goals and prepare for the future?

Understand the role and challenges of local governments in building smart city ecosystem, best practices as well as development approaches and achievements.



1.00 pm - 2.15 pm

Lunch Break and Tour to Exhibition Space

2.15 pm - 3.00 pm

Panel Discussion: Navigating the Challenges of Open Data and Participatory Governance

Seoul Open Data Plaza shares Seoul’s public information with citizens, such as real-time bus operation schedules, subway schedules, non-smoking areas, locations of public Wi-Fi services, shoeshine shops, and facilities for disabled people. Get insights on Seoul Open Data Plaza and what’s hot in Malaysia on all-things Open Data, and the latest update on Main Data Base, PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama).



3.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Case Study: Toyota’s Woven City – The First Urban Incubator in The World

Woven City is a place for co-creation. The city brings together Toyota’s expertise in hardware and software craftsmanship, and kaizen to help stimulate innovation, while providing a unique environment to facilitate co-creation among investors, residents, and visitors to significantly accelerate the pace of invention and development.

3.30 pm - 4.15 pm

Panel Discussion: Local Actions to Fund and Finance Smart City Developments

How can city projects be attractive to investors? How can companies, agencies, and governments partner to solve development challenges? What are the alternative ways to finance projects to reach sustainable smart city goals?

4.15 pm - 4.45 pm

The New Tech-Enabled Smart City, Nusantara – Will Indonesia See It Through?

The relocation plan has been touted as Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s legacy project before he leaves office in October. But the plan to build the new capital Nusantara, which is expected to replace a crowded and sinking Jakarta, has been plagued by construction delays, land acquisition problems and struggles to attract private investment. Will this city of the future come to fruition?

4.45 pm - 5.30 pm

Evening Refreshment and End of Day One Smart Cities Asia 2024

8.30 am - 9.30 am

Delegates Registration

9.30 am - 10.00 am

Fireside Chat: Convergence of Data and Mobility

Mobility data could be the poster boy for Big Data – incredibly large and varied sets of data that need more than your average spreadsheet formula to analyze. Let’s deep dive how mobility data is used to support business decision making, among others.

10.00am - 10.45 am

Panel Discussion: Tomorrow Mobility – Improving Public Transport and Traffic Management System

Traffic jams, long commutes, noise, and pollution are major blights in urban life. Convergence of innovative solutions promoting zero-emission, connected, and automated mobility helps cities move better. How can these new mobility services and technologies be better integrated?

10.45 am - 11.15 am

Morning Refreshment and Tour to Exhibition Space

11.15 am - 12.00 pm

Panel Discussion: Making Cities Resilient, Together

Deep dive into real-world use case of technology in flood management, preparedness through Artificial Intelligence, CCTV stations, sirens, and many other proactive risk reduction strategies in disaster management.

12.00 pm - 12.30 pm

Case Study: The Story of Indonesian People Practicing Preparedness through AI Chatbots

PetaBencana.id is a free, web-based platform that produces real-time disaster maps using both crowd-sourced reporting and government agency validations. Since its debut in 2013, PetaBencana.id has proven that community-led data collection, sharing, and visualization reduces flood risk and assists in relief efforts.

12.30 pm - 1.00 pm

Fireside Chat: Energy Transition for People-Centered Smart Cities

MGTC prime directive is to seek the balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability. This session will touch on national policies, initiatives and programs on several key topics such as clean energy, Low Carbon Cities initiative, Waste-to-Energy, among others.

9.30 am - 10.00 am

Fireside Chat: Future Talents Landscape –Building Resilient Digital Workforce

Unpack how policies, public programs and incentives is being utilized to bridge the talent gap in workforce through upskilling and reskilling.

10.00am - 10.45 am

Panel Discussion: Local Actions to Fund and Finance Sustainable Goals

How can city projects be attractive to investors? How can companies, agencies, and governments can partner to solve development challenges?

How can we finance projects to reach sustainable goals?

10.45 am - 11.15 am

Morning Refreshment and Tour to Exhibition Space

11.15 am - 12.00 pm

Panel Discussion: Raising the Flag on Collaborations and Partnerships

How can companies, NGOs, and governments partner to solve global development challenges?

How can we boost citizens’ engagement and let them collaborate in the making of their cities?

12.00 pm - 12.30 pm

Case Study: Putting People First – The Story of New Zealand’s Digital Government

According to EY2022 Tech Horizon Survey, 80% of government leaders agreed that their culture needs to change to get the full benefit of transformation. Here’s how NZ’s Digital government foster a digital-first culture in their workforce.

1.00 pm - 2.15 pm

Lunch Break

2.15 pm - 3.00 pm

Panel Discussion: Digital Transformation on Healthcare – Where Are We Heading?

What are the challenges and opportunities for the development of smart healthcare in the region?

How does data analytics, IoT, 5G and AI help transform healthcare industry? Where could the next wave of investments in digital therapeutics and health-tech innovation be?

3.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Case Study: Smart Initiatives to Improve Singapore’s Healthcare Ecosystem

The number of elderly citizens in Singapore is projected to reach 900,000 by 2030. Combined with low birth rates, the burden of caring for seniors will get heavier, which makes healthcare needs a priority. As Singapore move towards being a Smart Nation, they’re constantly exploring application of various technology to create healthcare solutions to proactively meet these needs.

3.30 pm - 4.15 pm

Panel Discussion: Livable Cities – Connecting Culture, Innovation and Urban Planning

How are cities adjusting to evolving urban dynamics to meet the needs of their residents effectively? What strategies can cities adopt to guarantee equitable access to essential resources for all their citizens?

4.15 pm - 4.45 pm

Case Study: AI-Enabled City – Melbourne Trials Nokia’s AI Tech to Keep Streets Clean and Safe

Illegal waste dumping in the city is a problem that causes both hygiene and safety problems. Using Nokia’s Scene Analytics AI technology, the city hopes to gain a deeper understanding of waste disposal behaviour across the area.

Existing network of cameras is being used as IoT sensors to monitor waste compactors. Nokia’s AI is used to filter and collate data from the cameras – combining it with other data, including from the compactor itself – to create real-time alerts and produce reports.

2.15 pm - 3.00 pm

Panel Discussion: Fortifying Malaysia’s Cybersecurity Landscape

Malaysian Government committed RM60 million to upgrade Malaysia’s cybersecurity posture, specifically in threat monitoring, detection, and reporting, and to develop the nation’s cyber forensic capabilities. Dive in to unpack more on the Cyber Security Bill 2024, evolving threats landscape as well as the need and pressing demand for skilled cyber security professionals. 

3.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Case Study: Protecting Malaysia’s Cyberspace – PDRM New Cyber Technology Department

In a bid to tackle the growing menace of digital crime and leverage technological advancements to bolster law enforcement efforts, the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has unveiled plans to establish a new department dedicated to cyber technology. Unboxing how PDRM seeks to enhance its capabilities in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting cybercriminals while safeguarding the digital infrastructure of the nation.

3.30 pm - 4.15 pm

Panel Discussion: Boosting Malaysia’s Regional Competitiveness with 5G

5G is much more than just connectivity. Its an important platform for innovation. And for 5G to be successful in Malaysia, several key success factors need addressing, namely affordability, security, and customer experience. Discover how industry players and government come together to ensure 5G deployment in Malaysia contributes to the nation’s economy as much as transforming cities to benefit the end user, its citizen.

4.15 pm - 4.45 pm

Case Study: The Future is Already Here, And It is Autonomous by Design

As we navigate our current reality and paths forward to recalibrate, innovate, and create the digital present and future that we want and require, the industry is reminded of how central the nexus of art, design and data is for the construction of a digital renaissance in the building and property sector.

Find out how Lendlease is re-defining collaborative digital futures, unlocking, and accelerating data to empower buildings and people.

4.45 pm - 5.30 pm

Evening Refreshment and End of Smart Cities Asia 2024

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