Leftenan Kolonel Bersekutu (PA) Dr. Ajantha Segarmurthy MD, MBA

Dr Ajantha Segarmurthy is a Medical Doctor by profession. After serving in National Health Financing in Planning Division of Ministry of Health (MOH), she pursued her Masters in Business and Administration. She has been a part of the Malaysian Health System Research, working closely with Harvard University from year 2016-2018. She is a speaker for Covid-19 related topics on multiple platforms organised by MOH and other Non-Governmental Organisations. She has contributed in several publications such as Malaysian Health Systems Research Volume 1, Malaysia Health Accounts 1997-2018, Supply and Needs-Based Requirement Projections of Malaysian Human Resources for Health Using System Dynamics Approach 2016-2030 and Human Resources for Health Country Profile 2015-2018 Malaysia. Currently, she is a Deputy Director of Operation Coordination Section, National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) in Prime Minister’s Department.