Dato’ Haji Noorazam Dato’ Haji Osman

YB Dato' HJ. Mohd. Noorazam Bin Dato' HJ. Osman is currently the Mayor of the Johor Bahru City Council. Boasting a distinguished civil service career in Johor since 1991, YB Dato’ HJ. Mohd. Noorazam held various leadership roles which include being the Private Secretary to the former Chief Minister of Johor, Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Abdul Ghani bin Othman and thereafter becoming the Assistant Director of Johor State Economic Planning Unit (UPENJ). In 2003, he became Senior Assistant Director at UPENJ until 2006 when he was promoted to the post of Deputy Director. During the same period, he was also appointed as Director of Syarikat Air Johor Holdings Sdn Bhd. In 2013, he became the District Officer of Kota Tinggi and subsequently the District Officer of Muar in January 2017. Finally, in November 2017 he was appointed as Chief Executive Office of Sports Johor Sdn. Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor Sdn. Bhd, primarily responsible for the development of sports in Johor and main organiser for SUKMA Johor 2020.